Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tag the Nut

1.What have you been doing recently?
- Learning internet language, working, and reading novels

2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
- when i don't want to receive calls/messages

3.What happened at 10am today?
- Went to Malacca to meet a customer

4.When did you last cry?
- Forgotten  ^-^

5.Believe in fate/destiny?
- Absolutely ^-^

6.What do you want in your life now?
- Accomplish all my objectives in life

7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
- carry one

8.What's your favourite thing to do on the bed?
- Disgusting question XD....sleep i guess?!lol

9.What bottoms are you wearing now?
- Grey pants

10.What's the nicest things in your inbox?
- Messages from my friends

11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
-  Why is this question so complicated! I don't understand it!

12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
-  Nope

13.What was the last movie you caught?
-  Wild Child-quite old

14.What are you proud of?
- My family's business

15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
-It's in mandarin from Kai Tjun so i can't type it, on 20/12/2008 at 9.41pm

16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
- Ich kenne nicht- Xavier Naidoo

17.Do you have any nicknames?
- Louis, MH, those are the only one I know

18.What does the newest text say?
- 'Tomo u free. wana go pyramid. U guys can go bowling or skating, me and Jackie go jalan :-P'

19.What time did you go to bed last night?
- 1.44am

20.Are you currently happy?
- Yea, overall, yes

21.Who gives you the best advise?
- My parents...love them...

22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
-  YES!!  It's like putting a tablespoon of butter into my mouth! Yucks!

23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
-No one...

24.Is something bugging you now?
- Yes! My SPM result!

25.Who was the last person to make you laugh?
- My dad!
