Finally---I'm back from Malacca. Firstly, Malacca's road IS SO CONFUSING AND THE TRAFFIC IS CRAZY(for motorist)!! But I had a great time there with my family, I never felt tired of all the walking especially at Jonker Walk. Except the beautiful girls there, Jonker Walk has a variety of stuff ranging from souvenirs(found at that street abundantly, so you won't be able to miss any souvenir shop), astrology masters(con job-i suppose), girls stuff(more than the abundantly found souvenir shops) and so forth.
One more thing that you can find at Jonker Walk, is the performance held by the dwellers there, it seems that they have various society/organization such as the Hokkien society and Teo Chew society and so on which teach the members of the society different kind of talents. You'll get to see old folks dancing to Michael Jackson's song--BEAT IT, Chinese opera song and the imtolerable karaoke BY OLD FOLKS TOO(imagine the high pitch they have but you can't hear what they're singing...i guess i'm In all, Jonker Walk is the only place where i find it interesting in Malacca and i can be there without complaining about anything(except the heat).But there are two other places that i've listed as my favorite that is Dataran Pahlawan and Mahkota Parade BECAUSE THEY'RE AIR-CONDITIONED!! GOD! MALACCA IS HAWT!! YOU CAN ACTUALLY FORGET ABOUT BRINGING YOUR SWEATER/JACKET!!