Thursday, November 20, 2008

SPM Chemistry Paper 2008...

Ahh...At last I'm back on the keyboard typing my way into my blog.

As for today, I finished my first science examination paper that is Chemistry in my 'O' level equivalent examination,SPM...
It wasn't that hard neither too easy for comfort.There were about 2-3 question I wasn't sure of but for most of it, I was able to answer.FYI, i answer question 7 for Section B and question 10 for Section C.Question 7 was about food additives, medications and soap & detergent, and question 10 was about strong & weak acids, precipitation to form insoluble salt-lead(II)sulphate and what should be applied to a jelly-fish stung wound(weird one).
One thing for sure, I won't be keeping some of the "wizardy" stuff like those alkene, Contact process, test for cations@anions etc...but i'll still remember H2O9(superhero movie...heheXD).
That's all for now, got to study for my next science paper---Biology that is on next Monday,24th November...Till next time, auf Wiedersehen...
