It's 17°C right now and the Windspeed is: N at 18 km/h and the humidity is: 48% but the temperature can get to 9 Celcius!! In other words, it's freaking cold in here! I suppose it's called the 'North Wind' which is blowing from the North(duh...) that's making this place damn cold and if you ever try NOT wearing a jacket/wind-breaker/sweater before you go out, you'll freeze your nuts out( But i'm not wearing any of the warm outfit in the open cause i really love this COLD weather!!!).


Thursday, November 27, 2008


How do i start?? I will definitely miss my friends, especially the 5A and 5B ones, they're the best of the best. We introduced ourselves at first without knowing we would graduate from high school together and we went through trials and tribulations faced by our class such as tough exams and scolding from teachers...Hehe...etc.
Today Class 5 Amanah & 5 Budi and 2 'illegal immigrants' from 5 Cekal sat for the last SPM examination paper, English For Science and Technology. It started at 11.40am and ended at 12.40pm for Paper 2 whereas Paper 1 started at 2.00pm and ended at 3.15pm. Honestly, the paper was easy and hopefully I'll get an A for it.

Lets skip to the part where the 'crying' starts. Students screaming, shouting and laughing like SPM is over(Infact, It Is Over!...duh). So, we did some 'must-do' activity that is photo session. Oh!! Before that! Remon & Liana represented the gents and ladies respectively to let their school uniform autographed by every student(But I don't have the photo of it, I will post it once I get it...sabar...sabar). So, we took lots and lots of photos since it might be the last day we meet each other because we may not know what may happen tomorrow or during the future. Liana, I know you cried,we saw your tears, but just to let you know, we all cried in our hearts loudly and sympathetically. It is not something that we wish/ hope for to separate from our friends and continue our journey in respective lives, just remember, we all will be friends for now and always. I cannot answer you why life must be like that, but one thing for sure, I can tell you that things may not always happen the way we want it to be.

OK!! Enough of that sombre atmosphere and pathetic stuff, I'm going to shed my precious tears. After everyone packed their bags and left for home, there were only Mon, Naz & Me left in the school compound. Guess we were the last to leave. The first thing that struck our minds were taking pictures of ourselves, I guess we took dozens but I did not keep track of the number of pictures we took so I can't be specific. After taking those funny and cute pictures, Mon had this idea of calling Kak Sim Yee & Kak Farihah just to spend some time talking to them, so we went to the school's famous phone booth(Which always reject my coins whenever I try to make a call) outside the Staff Room at Block A. The funniest part when the call to Kak Sim Yee went through, the credit limit was already showing 'RM 0.00' and the beeping sound came, our hands were like the conveyer belts at the airport delivering baggage to the passengers, just that we were putting in coins continuously BUT THAT BLOODY PHONE JUST KEPT ON 'VOMITTING' THE COINS. Anyway, we managed to talk to Kak Sim Yee for some time. However, we did not manage to get the line through when we tried to call Kak Farihah, maybe she was sleeping(According to Mon...I don't know a thing).

So, that was it, last day of high school, saying my 'farewell message' to Naz who decided to leave before the rain starts and looking at the back of Mon slowly fading into the horizon(HORIZON?? HE WENT TOWARDS THE DIRECTION THAT LEADS TO THE MAMAK STALL NEAR SCHOOL!!....JK).Anyway, the day ended with a heavy downpour right after i got onto my dad's car.

It's not possible to say everything we did that throughout this 5 years together because it is innumerable. Let me finish this blog topic with a message to my friends:' We May Miss Each Other, But We May Not Forget Each Other For Now and Ever!'
Remember that guys and girls, appreciate what you have/own now as we may not know what the future lies for us as I said earlier. This was actually taken from a Shakespeare saying. Ok then, I'll miss you guys and girls. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

SPM Physics Paper 2008...

WOOHOOOO!!!!At last ALL the calculation subjects are history now!! FYI, today I sat for Physics paper 1, 2, and 3. It wasn't that hard as i thought but I hope I can score an A for it(obviously for other subjects too). Another thing that I hope for is that the 'Jabatan' don't increase the passing mark on their bell graph for getting an A in all the subjects(instead please decrease it). I feel so relieve now as though I finished my SPM examination, not to mention I still have one more subject to go that is, English For Science and Technology on this coming Thursday. I suppose i mentioned this before, that that'll be my most historical day of my teenage life in secondary school. Ohhh... feel a little emotional now... Anyway, I hope my friends will pray for me for my last exam that i'll be sitting for in secondary school as i would do the same for them too.



Monday, November 24, 2008

SPM Biology Paper 2008...

I have 1 good news and 1 bad news. Let me start with the good news first, I HAVE 2 MORE SUBJECTS TO GO AND 5 PAPERS TILL SPM FINISHES!!! I feel great right now(ignoring the fact that i have my Physics Paper tomorrow). The last day of school just keep coming closer and closer.
Anyway, now comes the bad news, Biology Paper 3 was TOUGH(But i still manage to answer..XD). I guess that wasn't really a bad news eh.
Hmmm....finally I can put aside this whole 'kinda sexual subject'(ignore the bolded word..if you may..Haha) such as polypeptides, deoxyribonucleic acids, deoxyribose, family planning(I like this one though), reproduction(and this one..XD)etc. I guess that's all for today. Tomorrow is 'calculation' day. Honestly, Physics is tough if you don't study, AND I GOT TO GET GOING CAUSE I'M SITTING FOR IT TOMORROW!!! Tschüss!!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

SPM Chemistry Paper 2008...

Ahh...At last I'm back on the keyboard typing my way into my blog.

As for today, I finished my first science examination paper that is Chemistry in my 'O' level equivalent examination,SPM...
It wasn't that hard neither too easy for comfort.There were about 2-3 question I wasn't sure of but for most of it, I was able to answer.FYI, i answer question 7 for Section B and question 10 for Section C.Question 7 was about food additives, medications and soap & detergent, and question 10 was about strong & weak acids, precipitation to form insoluble salt-lead(II)sulphate and what should be applied to a jelly-fish stung wound(weird one).
One thing for sure, I won't be keeping some of the "wizardy" stuff like those alkene, Contact process, test for cations@anions etc...but i'll still remember H2O9(superhero movie...heheXD).
That's all for now, got to study for my next science paper---Biology that is on next Monday,24th November...Till next time, auf Wiedersehen...


Monday, September 29, 2008

Malacca (Hot)Trip '08

Finally---I'm back from Malacca. Firstly, Malacca's road IS SO CONFUSING AND THE TRAFFIC IS CRAZY(for motorist)!! But I had a great time there with my family, I never felt tired of all the walking especially at Jonker Walk. Except the beautiful girls there, Jonker Walk has a variety of stuff ranging from souvenirs(found at that street abundantly, so you won't be able to miss any souvenir shop), astrology masters(con job-i suppose), girls stuff(more than the abundantly found souvenir shops) and so forth.

One more thing that you can find at Jonker Walk, is the performance held by the dwellers there, it seems that they have various society/organization such as the Hokkien society and Teo Chew society and so on which teach the members of the society different kind of talents. You'll get to see old folks dancing to Michael Jackson's song--BEAT IT, Chinese opera song and the imtolerable karaoke BY OLD FOLKS TOO(imagine the high pitch they have but you can't hear what they're singing...i guess i'm In all, Jonker Walk is the only place where i find it interesting in Malacca and i can be there without complaining about anything(except the heat).But there are two other places that i've listed as my favorite that is Dataran Pahlawan and Mahkota Parade BECAUSE THEY'RE AIR-CONDITIONED!! GOD! MALACCA IS HAWT!! YOU CAN ACTUALLY FORGET ABOUT BRINGING YOUR SWEATER/JACKET!!


Friday, September 26, 2008


The reason I blogged this time is because that 'greenthang' told me 'Mun Hong, go and blog before you leave for Malacca'...

So, according to my birth certificate, my birthday is just 2 and a half hours away. I'm so busy packing for my trip tomorrow morning. OH YEAH!! I'm so happy!!! After 3 weeks of 'suffering', my classmates and I can finally escape from the exam mood, at least for now. Guys!! Don't forget SPM is just around the corner(refer to my countdown for remaining time). Okay!! GOT TO STOP NOW!! Still have tonnes of stuff to pack. Bye geeks..


Our beloved country, Malaysia, is the best example of this statement. With a population of 24.6 million comprising of diverse races with the majority in Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sikh and the various indigenous tribes, it is the most important key to Malaysia’s success. With various cultural backgrounds, values and upbringing, we have to strive especially hard to achieve the tolerance in order to bring about true unity. Only with true unity can we progress successfully in the areas of economic growth and international acceptance and most important of all, people living in successful lives.

After the recent general elections, we witnessed an unprecedented change in the political scenario. It used to be a single party dominance Government and sadly the difference in ideology in a multi-parties Government has brought about an even more drastic disunity even amongst the various races.

We see a fall in the standard of living, increase in the costs of living and uncertainty in the minds of the people for the future. How can we overcome such adversity if our people are not united? How can we expect the rest of the world to look up to us if we ourselves are not united in thoughts visions and deeds to be a successful and developed country?

Granted there are challenges that all countries face such as the increase in oil and commodities prices. I believe if we share the same aspiration and vision under a strong leadership, we can overcome most if not all the major challenges that our country faces.

To achieve this level of unity is not impossible but it will take a lot of sacrifices and humility on everyone’s part particularly the leaders, politicians, public servants and in fact every citizen down to the man on the street. Success will be there when we are united in our quest.

As Johann Friedrich Von Schiller once said ‘Even the weak becomes strong when they’re united.’ This saying suit perfectly with the statement as it urges the people to induce a picture of comity amongst the diverse community in our country.

Besides manifesting a united community among various ethnics, it is vital for us to anticipate any favorable development of racial issue. This is to avert any parties or individuals from getting offended as it could lead to certain undesired occurrence. In the worst case scenario, the repetition of the May 13th 1969 incident may occur.

The significance of persuading the citizen of our beloved country to establish minds that prioritize unity among them is inevitable. Be with unified minds, we can achieve successes that would otherwise be impossible. Therefore, it is time for each and every citizen of our beloved country to be united in our aspirations and action to secure a successful future that epitomizes the essence of unity is the pillar of success.

Siah Mun Hong
Form 5 Amanah
SMK Taman Maluri

8 September 2008

That text that you just read is my essay that I wrote as a participant in the Essay Competition to commemorate our National Day(whatever it is, I just know it's a essay competition). Anyway, I was surprised that my essay won the 1st place. ^-^

Friday, September 19, 2008

Deborah Henry

OH MY GOD!!! Two hours ago could be my once in a life time experience, I MET DEBORAH HENRY!! GOD! SHE'S GORGEOUS!! she's so much hotter than looking at her in the papers. How i wish i gotten an autograph from her, but i have NO PEN AND PAPER. By the way, her voice's hot too...hehe... and i realize she's as pretty as she looks like in reality. Here's Deborah Henry>>>>


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The 9th Hour

9 more hours to the first paper of my trial exam-----Chemistry paper one. The funny thing is that, i don't feel nervous at all. The question is should I even be nervous?Anyway,I really hope my preparation is sufficient to score. Better go to sleep right now. All the best in the exam...

Sunday, September 7, 2008


What the hell is wrong with you?I don't care did you spread the news accidentally or purposely, anyhow, you made things changed! She doesn't talk much anymore but I believe it's because of her upcoming events..Anyway, I realise I shouldn't be mad at you as I know you're only following what you believe that is right and what more, you also have emotions.Isn't that weird? It happened a moment ago, yet, it seems like it happened few minutes ago.

-By the way, those who doesn't know the story behind the post, you wouldn't have the slightest idea of what am I talking about.



Thursday, August 14, 2008

82 days till 'BIG BANG'

Today,I finally received my trial exam schedule, I realize was happy, sad and nervous at the same time. Happy because SPM examination is only going to be on for 8 days for me and the last day is on 28th of November and I’m so glad it did not take any longer. Nervous because SPM is just 82 days from now!!!!!! And I’m sad because after 28th November, I might not have the chance to see my friends after that.
I will miss you guys!!!!!

By the way, I feel a little weird today, the feeling is indescribable. I suppose it’s because I think of my friends too much. Just hope you guys will always be in pink of health and no worries. Especially those who have been really friendly to me and some of them are: Kai Tjun, John, Remon, Chris, Sarah, Andrew, Kok Loong, Choon Liong, Kok Khuen, Liana, Hanan, Najihah, Eff, Melvin. Other than those I have mentioned include Farah, Nana, Malar.
I wish you guys all the best in the things you guys do in future and forever…
Genießen Sie das Leben, ohne Furcht, Verzweiflung oder Sorgen, Denken Sie an die Sachen, die Sie haben, Nie Beanstandung an, was Sie besitzen, und immer nimmt Respekt andere wie, wie Sie andere Sie respektieren wünschen, nicht Beleidigungen ernst, Da er nicht wert ihn ist, zum des Schlechten an, welchen Leuten zu glauben sagen, die nicht zutreffend ist, erinnern Sie einfach sich an dieses, Lieben Sie Ihr Leben, egal wie Schlechtes die Situation ist.


Enjoy life, without fear, desperation or worries,
Think of the things you have,
Never complaint at what you own,
and always respect others as how you want others to respect you,
Do not take insults seriously,
As it is not worth it to feel bad at what people say that is not true,
Just remember this,
Love your life, no matter how bad the situation is.



Monday, June 23, 2008


Petal by petal from the rose starts to shed,
Feels like a lightning striking my heart instead,
Will i ever see you again,
Or will time never allow me to meet you which's sad,
Together i will never forget the time we had..


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Diagnostic Exam

I was totally disappointed with my own recent diagnostic exam results.i didn't expect it to be this just wasn't what i had hope for.*sick*.i studied almost everyday for exams like this but why??why did i failed myself eventhough i put so much effort into it?i can assure myself i wasn't distracted by any elements.the only possible answer that i thought of was i panicked when i sat for some papers.Although i obtained a rather disappointing result this round,i will not give up my dream for obtaining straight A's in SPM.i must aim for the sky but if i fall at least i'll reach the clouds.i really want my parents to be proud of me.-glauben Sie an, was Sie tun-


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

History Teacher

I realized something about my history teacher since a few months ago..she has been very bitchy.Every time before she lets us out of her class,she'll babble and babble and babble A LOT and i find it really annoying especially when she let us go late than the time she promised.She always demand for an 'A' for her subject but what has she done to make us obtain an 'A'.She even dare to question us why we didn't get an 'A' for her subject(she didn't realize she the one who should guide us with a suitable way).All she knows is to give us TONNES of homework like she's the only teacher that is teaching us.She doesn't realize that her way of teaching is totally wrong!I really thinks she needs a total update of the way she thinks..


Monday, June 9, 2008


5 days since the oil price increase had been announced..My family had since been talking about migrating to New Zealand.I was so excited when i heard that we're moving.But a few questions popped up into my mind,it's not that i don't feel like moving,i really want to move.what about my 'friend'?even if i really move,i do hope i can come back and see them annually....other than that,i wonder what can i do with my own song...i would be delighted if my song can be used in a movie or something..


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

One Down

One exam down and a lot more to go(don't know how many more to go until the major one) was no ordinary day as i felt quite disappointed with my performance in the 1st intervention(although i did quite good in some of the papers...XD).Didn't do anything special after the exam,just wrote 4 short poems and notes for her,but suck at the last 2 note cause i suddenly got nervous,don't know why.
Hope i obtain a good result eventhough it's the first exam.DAS GANZES BESTEL.


Saturday, March 8, 2008


Ain't separation a sad thing?!I've been thinking 'bout it day and night,i just can't bear the feeling of separation with my family and friends,if it ever happens(wish it would never happen).I would give up the most precious thing to prevent it,but i know it's useless.(Sigh)What i'm trying to say is,I love everybody beside me,it's them who gave me the spirit to allow me to strive hard for what i achieve.May God Bless Them and May God Be With Them Always.Love you guys and girls.




339 more days to SPM.I'm don't feel nervous at all maybe because i taught myself not to feel nervous at all cause,but i'm sure i'll feel nervous when the day comes.Well,whatever happens,I got to strive for an excellent result. ARBEIT STARK!!MunHong!!
I got to find a way to ignore disturbance!

DAZ GANZES BESTEL to all my dudes(friends) who are taking SPM in 2008!!And of course myself too!!
