Our beloved country, Malaysia, is the best example of this statement. With a population of 24.6 million comprising of diverse races with the majority in Malay, Chinese, Indian, Sikh and the various indigenous tribes, it is the most important key to Malaysia’s success. With various cultural backgrounds, values and upbringing, we have to strive especially hard to achieve the tolerance in order to bring about true unity. Only with true unity can we progress successfully in the areas of economic growth and international acceptance and most important of all, people living in successful lives.
After the recent general elections, we witnessed an unprecedented change in the political scenario. It used to be a single party dominance Government and sadly the difference in ideology in a multi-parties Government has brought about an even more drastic disunity even amongst the various races.
We see a fall in the standard of living, increase in the costs of living and uncertainty in the minds of the people for the future. How can we overcome such adversity if our people are not united? How can we expect the rest of the world to look up to us if we ourselves are not united in thoughts visions and deeds to be a successful and developed country?
Granted there are challenges that all countries face such as the increase in oil and commodities prices. I believe if we share the same aspiration and vision under a strong leadership, we can overcome most if not all the major challenges that our country faces.
To achieve this level of unity is not impossible but it will take a lot of sacrifices and humility on everyone’s part particularly the leaders, politicians, public servants and in fact every citizen down to the man on the street. Success will be there when we are united in our quest.
As Johann Friedrich Von Schiller once said ‘Even the weak becomes strong when they’re united.’ This saying suit perfectly with the statement as it urges the people to induce a picture of comity amongst the diverse community in our country.
Besides manifesting a united community among various ethnics, it is vital for us to anticipate any favorable development of racial issue. This is to avert any parties or individuals from getting offended as it could lead to certain undesired occurrence. In the worst case scenario, the repetition of the May 13th 1969 incident may occur.
The significance of persuading the citizen of our beloved country to establish minds that prioritize unity among them is inevitable. Be with unified minds, we can achieve successes that would otherwise be impossible. Therefore, it is time for each and every citizen of our beloved country to be united in our aspirations and action to secure a successful future that epitomizes the essence of unity is the pillar of success.
Siah Mun Hong
Form 5 Amanah
SMK Taman Maluri
8 September 2008
That text that you just read is my essay that I wrote as a participant in the Essay Competition to commemorate our National Day(whatever it is, I just know it's a essay competition). Anyway, I was surprised that my essay won the 1st place. ^-^