Friday, May 20, 2011

Lifelink Homecare

Lifelink Homecare is a company that is one of its kind in Malaysia. They specialize in post-hospitalization care such as home nursing, doctor's visit, physiotherapist etc. Lifelink Homecare also provides medical equipment rentals such as oxygen concentrator, oxygen tanks, hospital beds and the list goes on. Medical nutrition and supplements are also available at Lifelink Homecare, and the best of all, they deliver it to your doorstep!! This is one of their videos found on Youtube. Please click here: Lifelink Homecare services

Lifelink Homecare's Website

Friday, December 31, 2010

31/12/2010 - New Year's FB Status

At 11:05PM:

'My Omnia 2 D-Day countdown tells me that it's the
last day for 2010,
the last day to be 19,
and the last day to prepare myself for a fantastic 2011.

Cherish every moment.

"The world’s a bubble, and the life of man, Less than a span." - Francis Bacon

Happy New Year Planet EARTH~ '

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

KL is a state??? EPIC FAIL~

14/12/2010, Tuesday.

I attended a class today and I learnt something that could earn the Malaysian flag another stripe, which makes the flag 15 stripes now! (ps: It's not official, read on) I overheard 'someone' told the whole class, without hesitation, that Kuala Lumpur IS A STATE! My God! Can you believe it! It's not that I'm making fun of that 'someone', but PLEASE, you're living in KL, don't you know it's a city. By making that statement, it showed how ignorant that person is.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Time Flies

*Logs into blogspot account*

*Clicks the link to view blog*

'Monday, October 19, 2009', that's the date which my previous post was posted. I have gone through so much decision-making moments, gained so much experiences since that previous post. So much has changed even though it was just over a year. 

Minute by minute,
Day by day,
the end of the year is just a stone's throw away.

Cherish your loved ones and those who care for you,
as the future for all is unknown to you.

I'd said this will be the most exciting course for this semester, our learning medium is Blogspot & Facebook!!!
The lecturer even told us that all we have to do for our assignment in Blogspot is to BLOG!! Sounds fun, ain't it..
As for, he hasn't given any instructions yet, but I'm expecting it to be fun too!

So, Practical 1, create a blogger account- DONE! LOL... -seriously, that was practical 1...

Hopefully the lecturer will surprise us with more unexpected kind of practicals and

Monday, September 14, 2009

At Last

At Last I sat for my last three subjects' exam! Fundamental Mathematics, Programming Concepts & Design 1 and Information Technology. And I am having my semester break now...Yay! But it's only 3 weeks =.=...
Everyday I have to go to work now, play Cabal(unless when it's undergoing maintenance, eat, sleep and you-know-what after eating.
So I'll be surfing the net finding stuff randomly and maybe learn some chemistry and biology(I still love those subjects despite my SPM is over^^).

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hubungan Etnik

It's AEMS2002 Hubungan Etnik time! Tomorrow... and I haven't cover all those parts that the lecturer told us to. Hopefully I can do well in this paper like how I did for sejarah SPM since it's almost the same thing. Well, the exam starts at 9.00am tomorrow. On a Saturday ! 9.00am on a freaking Saturday.But I'm still going through the notes, so I can't sleep yet. haiz. Good night then.
